
Performs clustering of matching results using a linkage algorithm. Initially, each record (identified by source system and ID) is considered a separate cluster. Clusters are merged according to the given matching relation. From the input, only the source system and the ID of query and matched entry, as well as their matching category are considered. Any other field is ignored in the input and not written to the output.


Ignore intra-duplicates
When active, it ignores all matching records coming from the same source, a.k.a intra-duplicates, during the clustering

Input Ports

A list of results from a matchmaker matching process. Records in the input table must contain the ID and the source system of query and the matched entry, and their matching relation. Following column names must be used: ID, SOURCE, ID_Q, SOURCE_Q, match_control

Output Ports

A list of clusters identified by cluster ID. All records belonging to the same cluster get the same cluster ID. Records are identified by ID and source system.


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