Load Local Mol2 Files Streamable

Node to load one or more local Mol2 files into table cells (1 cell per file)

Load Local PDB Files Streamable

Node to load one or more local PDB files into table cells (1 cell per file)

Load Local Rxn Files Streamable

Node to load one or more local Mol files into table cells (1 cell per file)

Send File Path 

Enter a file path into a input WebElement.

Send File Path Deprecated

Enter a file path into a input WebElement.

Content Extractor Deprecated

Extractor for content from (X)HTML documents.

String Matcher 

The node finds for each string in the data list the most similar words of the dictionary list.

File Upload (legacy) Deprecated

Quick Form node that allows uploading a file and exposing that uploaded file using a flow variable.