

Identification with X!Tandem in the ID meta node, Protein Inference with Fido and protein quantification based on feature intensities with ProteinQuantifier.
Input mzML spectra files are specified in the Input Files node.
The target protein database is specified in the Input File node within the ID meta node.
Outputs are multiple boxplots that can be opened by right click -> View Boxplot on the blue Boxplot nodes.

Example input data:
To download the data from the archive linked below, check the box on the folder and click on the download button (arrow) on the top left.
Download and unpack the "Example_Data" data into a directory "Example_data" right inside your KNIME workspace.

URL: Home of the OpenMS plugin https://www.openms.de/
URL: Example Data https://abibuilder.cs.uni-tuebingen.de/archive/openms/Tutorials/

Summarized protein quantities Single peptide quantities Label-free identification and quantificationIdentification with X!Tandem in the ID meta node, Protein Inference with Fido andprotein quantification based on feature intensities with ProteinQuantifier.Input mzML spectra files are specified in the Input Files node.The target protein database is specified in the Input File node within the ID meta node.Outputs are multiple boxplots that can be opened by right click -> View Boxplot on theblue Boxplot nodes. Node 101Node 102Node 103Select intensitiesLogarithmizeLogarithmizeSelect intensitiesLogarithmizeSelect intensitiesLogarithmizeSelect intensitiesinput spectra (mzML)input database (FASTA)Plot intensity distributionPlot intensity distributionPlot intensity distributionPlot intensity distributionSeperate human spike-inpeptides from backgroundFiltering decoysSeperate human spike-inproteins from backgroundZipLoopStart ZipLoopEnd ID URI Port toVariable CSV Reader String to Path(Variable) Column Filter R Snippet R Snippet Column Filter Protein inference R Snippet Column Filter R Snippet Column Filter FeatureFinderCentroided FalseDiscoveryRate IDMapper IDMerger MapAlignerPoseClustering FeatureLinkerUnlabeledQT ConsensusMapNormalizer ProteinQuantifier MzTabExporter MzTabReader MzTabExporter MzTabReader IDConflictResolver File Importer File Importer Box Plot Histogram Box Plot Box Plot Box Plot Row Splitter Row Filter Row Splitter Summarized protein quantities Single peptide quantities Label-free identification and quantificationIdentification with X!Tandem in the ID meta node, Protein Inference with Fido andprotein quantification based on feature intensities with ProteinQuantifier.Input mzML spectra files are specified in the Input Files node.The target protein database is specified in the Input File node within the ID meta node.Outputs are multiple boxplots that can be opened by right click -> View Boxplot on theblue Boxplot nodes. Node 101Node 102Node 103Select intensitiesLogarithmizeLogarithmizeSelect intensitiesLogarithmizeSelect intensitiesLogarithmizeSelect intensitiesinput spectra (mzML)input database (FASTA)Plot intensity distributionPlot intensity distributionPlot intensity distributionPlot intensity distributionSeperate human spike-inpeptides from backgroundFiltering decoysSeperate human spike-inproteins from backgroundZipLoopStart ZipLoopEnd ID URI Port toVariable CSV Reader String to Path(Variable) Column Filter R Snippet R Snippet Column Filter Protein inference R Snippet Column Filter R Snippet Column Filter FeatureFinderCentroided FalseDiscoveryRate IDMapper IDMerger MapAlignerPoseClustering FeatureLinkerUnlabeledQT ConsensusMapNormalizer ProteinQuantifier MzTabExporter MzTabReader MzTabExporter MzTabReader IDConflictResolver File Importer File Importer Box Plot Histogram Box Plot Box Plot Box Plot Row Splitter Row Filter Row Splitter


