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Use the “chat completion” API to reply to a given chat message. This is similar to what you're used to from ChatGPT. You can extend this and supply multiple messages for a longer conversation.

Use the “chat completion” API to reply to agiven chat message. This is similar to whatyou're used to from ChatGPT. You can extendthis and supply multiple messages for a longerconversation.More details about the API is available here:https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create TODO:Enter your personal API key hereEnter JSON requestNode 3Enter your chat message hereNode 12Node 13Node 14Node 15Use the given message and create the JSON request content dynamically API Key Create ChatCompletion JSON Path StringConfiguration Create ChatCompletion JSON Path Column Filter Column Filter Create JSONstructure Use the “chat completion” API to reply to agiven chat message. This is similar to whatyou're used to from ChatGPT. You can extendthis and supply multiple messages for a longerconversation.More details about the API is available here:https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create TODO:Enter your personal API key hereEnter JSON requestNode 3Enter your chat message hereNode 12Node 13Node 14Node 15Use the given message and create the JSON request content dynamicallyAPI Key Create ChatCompletion JSON Path StringConfiguration Create ChatCompletion JSON Path Column Filter Column Filter Create JSONstructure


