
data manipulation with wrapped metanode

Descriptive Statistics Calculate the statistical properties ofthe data set attributes. Score the ModelCompute a confusion matrixbetween real and predictedclass values and calculate therelated accuracy measures. Data ReadingRead the adult data set file. There isone row for each person, plusdemographic info and the incomegroup. The file is located in TheData/Basics/ Try this:KNIME's Interactive Visualizations: 1) Execute the workflow2) Open the Scorer node view3) Hilite a cell in the confusion matrix4) Open the Interactive Table view5) Select "Hilite"->"Filter"->"Show Hilited Only" This shows only the misclassified data rows. Visualize Create interactive scatter plot. Graphical PropertiesAssign colors by income group. Interactive TableDisplay table of the entire data Reading adult.csvRed for income "<=50K"Blue for income ">50K"Confusion matrixaccuracy measuresShow entire data as tableStats and exploratoryhistograms in ViewAge vs. number-hourscolor-coded by incomeNode 13 File Reader Color Manager Scorer Interactive Table Statistics Scatter Plot(JavaScript) Metanode Bar Chart(JavaScript) Descriptive Statistics Calculate the statistical properties ofthe data set attributes. Score the ModelCompute a confusion matrixbetween real and predictedclass values and calculate therelated accuracy measures. Data ReadingRead the adult data set file. There isone row for each person, plusdemographic info and the incomegroup. The file is located in TheData/Basics/ Try this:KNIME's Interactive Visualizations: 1) Execute the workflow2) Open the Scorer node view3) Hilite a cell in the confusion matrix4) Open the Interactive Table view5) Select "Hilite"->"Filter"->"Show Hilited Only" This shows only the misclassified data rows. Visualize Create interactive scatter plot. Graphical PropertiesAssign colors by income group. Interactive TableDisplay table of the entire data Reading adult.csvRed for income "<=50K"Blue for income ">50K"Confusion matrixaccuracy measuresShow entire data as tableStats and exploratoryhistograms in ViewAge vs. number-hourscolor-coded by incomeNode 13 File Reader Color Manager Scorer Interactive Table Statistics Scatter Plot(JavaScript) Metanode Bar Chart(JavaScript)


