

DatasetK-Means ClusteringScatter Plot of all ClustersChange Color of the three clusters Assign Cluster on basis of K-Means on the OLD Customer listOLD CustomersNEW CustomersAssuming CUST_ID shall be sequential CUST_ID from C1001 to C17353 supposed to be OLD and CUST_ID between C17354 to C19190 as NEW (recent 1790 CUST_ID i.e. 20% of the Total number of cases )To arrange CUST_ID in ascending ordersconcatenation of OLD-NEW Node 20CSV Reader k-Means Scatter Plot Color Manager Cluster Assigner ConstantValue Column ConstantValue Column Row Splitter Sorter Concatenate CSV Writer DatasetK-Means ClusteringScatter Plot of all ClustersChange Color of the three clusters Assign Cluster on basis of K-Means on the OLD Customer listOLD CustomersNEW CustomersAssuming CUST_ID shall be sequential CUST_ID from C1001 to C17353 supposed to be OLD and CUST_ID between C17354 to C19190 as NEW (recent 1790 CUST_ID i.e. 20% of the Total number of cases )To arrange CUST_ID in ascending ordersconcatenation of OLD-NEW Node 20CSV Reader k-Means Scatter Plot Color Manager Cluster Assigner ConstantValue Column ConstantValue Column Row Splitter Sorter Concatenate CSV Writer


