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File ReaderTo guarantee access to the workflow and to work on the workflow together, theworkflow is shared over KNIME-hub. The data set is divided into multiple filesbecause the upload regulations of KNIME do not allow uploading one data filewith more than 50 MB. Further, we modify the column mths_since_rcnt_il into anumber in 5 data files. ConcatenateThe files of the furthersplit data set arecombined again. ScatterPlot:Shows the loan amount vs the loan interest rate to discovercorrelations. The data points are grouped by the different gradesgiven by the Lending Club (A-G). ScatterPlot:Shows the changes in the interest rate over time (2014 - 2018). The interest rate is grouped into different grades, defined by theLending Club (Grades A-G). For visualization purposes, thegrades are colored differently. The data for 2016 is missing. PieChart:Shows the percentage share of the individual purpose of the loan.The purposes are visualized in different colors. Bar Chart:Shows the percentage share of the requested loans based on theUS states. ScatterPlot:Shows the loan amount vs the Risk Rating. There is no correlation to see. Bar Chart:Rejected Loans by State. Bar Chart:Rejected Loans by Employment Length Node 17Node 24Node 30Node 31File 1File 2Node 40File 1File 2File 5File6File 7File 8File 9File 10File 12File 14File 13FIle 11Node 84File 3File 4Node 113Node 114Node 115Node 118Node 120Node 121Node 122Node 123Node 126Node 127Node 128Node 129Node 130Node 131Node 132Node 133Node 134Node 135 Cleansing Cleansing Color Manager Sorter CSV Reader CSV Reader Concatenate CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Concatenate CSV Reader CSV Reader Color Manager Scatter Plot(JavaScript) GroupBy Color Manager Scatter Plot(JavaScript) GroupBy Pie/Donut Chart(JavaScript) GroupBy Sorter Scatter Plot(JavaScript) String To Number String To Number String To Number String To Number String To Number Bar Chart(JavaScript) Bar Chart(JavaScript) Bar Chart(JavaScript) File ReaderTo guarantee access to the workflow and to work on the workflow together, theworkflow is shared over KNIME-hub. The data set is divided into multiple filesbecause the upload regulations of KNIME do not allow uploading one data filewith more than 50 MB. Further, we modify the column mths_since_rcnt_il into anumber in 5 data files. ConcatenateThe files of the furthersplit data set arecombined again. ScatterPlot:Shows the loan amount vs the loan interest rate to discovercorrelations. The data points are grouped by the different gradesgiven by the Lending Club (A-G). ScatterPlot:Shows the changes in the interest rate over time (2014 - 2018). The interest rate is grouped into different grades, defined by theLending Club (Grades A-G). For visualization purposes, thegrades are colored differently. The data for 2016 is missing. PieChart:Shows the percentage share of the individual purpose of the loan.The purposes are visualized in different colors. Bar Chart:Shows the percentage share of the requested loans based on theUS states. ScatterPlot:Shows the loan amount vs the Risk Rating. There is no correlation to see. Bar Chart:Rejected Loans by State. Bar Chart:Rejected Loans by Employment Length Node 17Node 24Node 30Node 31File 1File 2Node 40File 1File 2File 5File6File 7File 8File 9File 10File 12File 14File 13FIle 11Node 84File 3File 4Node 113Node 114Node 115Node 118Node 120Node 121Node 122Node 123Node 126Node 127Node 128Node 129Node 130Node 131Node 132Node 133Node 134Node 135 Cleansing Cleansing Color Manager Sorter CSV Reader CSV Reader Concatenate CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Concatenate CSV Reader CSV Reader Color Manager Scatter Plot(JavaScript) GroupBy Color Manager Scatter Plot(JavaScript) GroupBy Pie/Donut Chart(JavaScript) GroupBy Sorter Scatter Plot(JavaScript) String To Number String To Number String To Number String To Number String To Number Bar Chart(JavaScript) Bar Chart(JavaScript) Bar Chart(JavaScript)


