Drivetime and Distance Query - Latitude Longitude

This component allows you to query the Tom Tom API for trip distance and duration information.

Expected inputs (coordinates in decemal fomart): -
- Starting latitude
- Starting longitude
- Ending latitude
- Ending longitude

Outputs: -
- Departure Time
- Arrival Time
- Trip Duration
- Travel Time (Seconds)
- Traffic Delay (Seconds)
- Distance (Kilometers)
- Distance (Meters)
- Traffic Length (Kilometers)
- Traffic Length (Meters)

Note that you need a Tom Tom Developer API key to use this component. It is free, thanks to their generous fremium plan. With the API key, you get 2,500 free API calls per day.

You can register here: -

They don't require a credit card or ask for a lot of personal detail. Once you sign up, you will receive your API key by email. You can also find it in your developer dashboard. Here's a link to that: -


- If you see the following error message, then you most likely have a trailing space in your API key.

%%00009"ERROR GET Request 0:0:12 Execute failed: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character in %%00009%%00009query at index "

As a best practice, copy your API key by clicking on the clipboard icon next to your API key on the Tom Tom developer dashboard.

- If the component fails all together, then ensure that you provided your API key. The component would also fail if no data was retrived. View the console for the relevant error message. Here are details from the Tom Tom site to help debug status code errors: -

- 200%%00009OK
- 206%%00009Partial Content
- 400%%00009Malformed request: The requested syntax is not available.
- 400%%00009Bad request: Parameters out of range.
- 401%%00009Unauthorized:
%%00009%%00009The supplied Admin Key is not valid for this Request.
%%00009%%00009No Admin Key is supplied.
- 401%%00009Unauthorized: Configuration not found.
%%00009%%00009The configuration does not exist in the database.
%%00009%%00009The user has not registered an Admin Key.
- 403%%00009Forbidden: The supplied API Key is not valid for this Request.
- 403%%00009Forbidden: User can only register once.
- 429%%00009Too Many Requests: The API key is over QPS (Queries per second).
- 500%%00009Internal Server Error: There is a problem with the TomTom Road Event %%00009%%00009Reporter Enterprise API service.

Status error codes source: -

If you have any questions or suggestions please email me at



Select your starting latitude column
Select your starting latitude column
Select your starting longititude column
Select your starting longititude column
Select your ending latitude column
Select your ending latitude column
Select your ending longititude column
Select your ending longititude column
Selet your travel Mode
Enter Description
Would you like to filter out rows with missing GPS information?
Enter Description
Please enter your Tom Tom developer API key
Please enter your Tom Tom API key in the box below.%%00010%%00010If you do not have one, register for Tom Tom Developer here: - %%00010

Input Ports


Output Ports

Drivetime and distance data.


