

Image Resizer and Format Converter

Level: Medium

Description: You work as a freelance photo reporter for wildlife magazines. In your daily work you take a lot of pictures, usually in .JPG format and in different sizes. To be able to sell your photographs to magazines, you need to accommodate their different sizing and formatting requests. To streamline this process, you decide to build a workflow that automates the following, sequentially: (1) Image resizing -- create a configurable component with three options: do nothing, reduce to fixed size (150x150), or reduce size keeping ratio; (2) image format conversion -- create a configurable component with two options: .PNG or .SVG; (3) save edited images on your machine.

Author: Roberto Cadili

Datasets: Image Data in the KNIME Community Hub

URL: JKISeason3-7 https://www.knime.com/just-knime-it?pk_vid=f1a9625dd14a14c5171698895027e10b
URL: Dataset https://hub.knime.com/-/spaces/-/~5HAA3T665N_vR9Ga/
URL: This challenge thread https://forum.knime.com/t/solutions-to-just-knime-it-challenge-7-season-3/80731

How to use1. Create a folder on your desktop or somewhere suitable.2. Store images to be transformed in the folder.3. Copy and paste the path to the folder into String widget. Example: C:\Users\tark\Desktop\image4. Right click on Component (Transform and save images), then execute open and view.5. Choose Format and Operation, then check Save image.6. The converted images will be saved in a newly created folder within the Input folder. Enter path toInput/Output folderRead input imagesTransform andsave imagesString Widget Metanode Component How to use1. Create a folder on your desktop or somewhere suitable.2. Store images to be transformed in the folder.3. Copy and paste the path to the folder into String widget. Example: C:\Users\tark\Desktop\image4. Right click on Component (Transform and save images), then execute open and view.5. Choose Format and Operation, then check Save image.6. The converted images will be saved in a newly created folder within the Input folder. Enter path toInput/Output folderRead input imagesTransform andsave imagesString Widget Metanode Component


