

Challenge 12: Getting Brewery Data

Description: Did you know that August 2nd is International Beer Day? To celebrate one of the world’s oldest beverages, you are tasked with retrieving all worldwide brewery data from the OpenBreweryDB REST API, which provides data on the breweries in paginated responses. Build a loop that makes successive requests to each page of the API until all data is retrieved.

Not interested in beer? Feel free to use any API of your choice! Find more public APIs here: https://publicapis.io/

Author: Lada Rudnitckaia

Get MetadataCalculatethe num of iteration of the loopCurrentPagecreate urlGet dataper_page50>200Node 22latitudes, longitudeslatitudes, longitudes-> remove rowcategoryNode 2126Node 2127GET Request JSON Path Ungroup JSON to Table Table Rowto Variable Math Formula String to Number Counting Loop Start Math Formula(Variable) String Manipulation(Variable) GET Request Loop End ConstantValue Column Lat/Lon to Geometry String to Number Missing Value Table Creator Joiner Column Aggregator Component Get MetadataCalculatethe num of iteration of the loopCurrentPagecreate urlGet dataper_page50>200Node 22latitudes, longitudeslatitudes, longitudes-> remove rowcategoryNode 2126Node 2127GET Request JSON Path Ungroup JSON to Table Table Rowto Variable Math Formula String to Number Counting Loop Start Math Formula(Variable) String Manipulation(Variable) GET Request Loop End ConstantValue Column Lat/Lon to Geometry String to Number Missing Value Table Creator Joiner Column Aggregator Component


