KNIME Table Connector

Creates a SQL table for the supplied KNIME data table.

This allows the KNIME data table to be used with SQL via the knime DB nodes.

Column names must be compatible with an H2 SQL database. Where the column name contains spaces, this will be handled by converted to underscores for processing in the database. Column names must consist of Alphanumerics and underscores, and must not start with a numeric. Column names containing other characters will most likely fail.

v1.0 2023-07-07 @takbb Brian Bates


Auto type cast columns
Select if an attempt to auto type cast the columns should take place
Columns on which to build indexes
Select the columns that are likely to be used in WHERE clauses by subsequent SQL calls. An index will be created on each column. Note that in this current implementation, each index is for a single column only, so compound (multi-column) indexes are not created.
Columns to be used in KNIME table
Select the columns to be used in the KNIME table. Only columns that are compatible with H2 database tables may be used
Table Name
Specify a table name to be used for this table in SQL. Table names will be case sensitive, and in SQL queries should be wrapped with double-quotes to ensure the correct case

Input Ports

Database connection. Typically it is intended that an H2 database be used for local data manipulation, as this will work with the index creation scripts. Other db connections may not be compatible with the internal scripts used by this component.
Table containing data to be included in the database table

Output Ports

The input table as it appears on the database. The column names on this table represent any changes to column names to make them compliant with SQL column names. Use this as the reference for column names when writing the SQL
A database data port onto the idatabase allowing in-database nodes to be connected
The db session allowing multiple KNIME Table Connectors to work together using the same database connection


