
Demo - Excel Cell Formula writing - single cell

Demonstration of my Write Excel Cell Formula component, which will write an excel formula directly to a single cell in a spreadsheet

This demonstrates the simplest setting of a cell byreference, but in reality you would probably alwaysneed to calculate the formula and cell referencesbecause there would be a variable number of rows This demonstrates use of String Manipulation(Variable) to dynamically set the cell reference and cellformula for each cell based on the number of rows present in the data THE "WRITE EXCEL CELL FORMULA" COMPONENT REQUIRES KNIME AP 4.7 AND WILL NOT WORK ON EARLIER VERSIONS OF KNIME This demonstrates writing a cell formula into a singlecell relative to the count of rows (using the NumberRows flow variable derived earlier This demonstrates including the flow variabledirectly in the cell reference and formula so thatwe can avoid using String Manipulation Write formulaBn * Cninto cell Dn demo dataTry adding some extra rows tocheck the Excel Writer isn't cheatingwrites the demodata to the excel spreadsheetat this point, the excel is a table with just the data from the input portThis is here just to get an absolutereference to the spreadsheet filenamein workflow data areainto a flow variable so that it can bepassed to the Write Excel Cell componentExecute this to openthe Excel Spreadsheetand take a look at the result:-)loop throughrow numbersget number of rowsDefine cellto contain formulaDnDefine formulaBn * Cn"TOTAL SALES"written into cell E(n+2)SUM(E2:En)written into cell E(n+3)Write formulaBn * Cninto cell Enusing flow variabledirectly in configSUM(D2:D5)written into cell D10"TOTAL SALES"written into cell D9Write ExcelCell Formula Table Creator Excel Writer Open File or Folder Open File or Folder Counting Loop Start Extract TableDimension String Manipulation(Variable) String Manipulation(Variable) Variable Loop End Write ExcelCell Formula Write ExcelCell Formula Write ExcelCell Formula Write ExcelCell Formula Write ExcelCell Formula This demonstrates the simplest setting of a cell byreference, but in reality you would probably alwaysneed to calculate the formula and cell referencesbecause there would be a variable number of rows This demonstrates use of String Manipulation(Variable) to dynamically set the cell reference and cellformula for each cell based on the number of rows present in the data THE "WRITE EXCEL CELL FORMULA" COMPONENT REQUIRES KNIME AP 4.7 AND WILL NOT WORK ON EARLIER VERSIONS OF KNIME This demonstrates writing a cell formula into a singlecell relative to the count of rows (using the NumberRows flow variable derived earlier This demonstrates including the flow variabledirectly in the cell reference and formula so thatwe can avoid using String Manipulation Write formulaBn * Cninto cell Dndemo dataTry adding some extra rows tocheck the Excel Writer isn't cheatingwrites the demodata to the excel spreadsheetat this point, the excel is a table with just the data from the input portThis is here just to get an absolutereference to the spreadsheet filenamein workflow data areainto a flow variable so that it can bepassed to the Write Excel Cell componentExecute this to openthe Excel Spreadsheetand take a look at the result:-)loop throughrow numbersget number of rowsDefine cellto contain formulaDnDefine formulaBn * Cn"TOTAL SALES"written into cell E(n+2)SUM(E2:En)written into cell E(n+3)Write formulaBn * Cninto cell Enusing flow variabledirectly in configSUM(D2:D5)written into cell D10"TOTAL SALES"written into cell D9Write ExcelCell Formula Table Creator Excel Writer Open File or Folder Open File or Folder Counting Loop Start Extract TableDimension String Manipulation(Variable) String Manipulation(Variable) Variable Loop End Write ExcelCell Formula Write ExcelCell Formula Write ExcelCell Formula Write ExcelCell Formula Write ExcelCell Formula


