Delimited Text Reader

This component replaces and renames my original "Extract Data Table from Delimited Text" component. This is basically the same component, but the old component is now deprecated in favour of this one.

Returns a table based on the delimited text contained in a single text field.

If the text is
Brian|23|New York

then with a delimiter of |
This would return a table with the columns "name" "age" "city"
and the data aligned in their columns.

The main driver for writing this component was the presentation of "sample data" on the forum, where it then takes time to translate the posted data into an actual table.

Simply paste the data into the supplied multi-line text field, specify:

+ column delimiter
+ row delimiter

These can be any value that is acceptable to the Cell Splitter node.
Tab can be specified with \t
New Line can be specified with \n

If you want to use \ as a delimiter, it should also work. There should not be a need to escape but if you have problems, try specifying \\

@takbb Brian Bates
v1.3 29 October 2022 - update to handle different datatypes appearing in same column - explicitly converts to String
v1.4 30 October 2022 - removes any columns that get created with a column name of which is caused when the column delimiter is initial character
v1.5 21 June 2023 - Date data in yyyy-MM-dd format is now converted to Date column type instead of a "Legacy DateTime" column type


Row Delimiter
Specify the delimiter that separates therows of the input data. %%00010(\n = new line)
Column Delimiter
Specify the column delimiter that separates the input data
Table Text
Specify the text that represents the table

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

The data table generated from the supplied table text


