
2. Counting Loop 2

Counting Loop 2

Similarly to workflow "Counting Loop 1", this workflow implements a loop cycle and precisely a counting loop with 4 iterations.
The only difference is in the Loop End node which appends resulting data tables and does not concatenate them.
To do that it uses a different Loop End node named "Loop End (Column Append)".

Workflow: Counting Loop 2 Similarly to workflow "Counting Loop 1", this workflow implements a loop cycle and precisely a counting loop with 4iterations.The only difference is in the Loop End node which appends resulting data tables and does not concatenate them.To do that it uses a different Loop End node named "Loop End (Column Append)". 3 clusters2 coordinatescolor by clustersscatter plot of original datascatter plotof iter 2 x-shifteddata set(check x-axis range)collect new data setand append toprevious oneswrite resultsto KCBdatax = x + iteration nry=y4 iterations0,1,2,3 Data Generator Color Manager Scatter Plot Scatter Plot Loop End (ColumnAppend) CSV Writer Math Formula Counting Loop Start Workflow: Counting Loop 2 Similarly to workflow "Counting Loop 1", this workflow implements a loop cycle and precisely a counting loop with 4iterations.The only difference is in the Loop End node which appends resulting data tables and does not concatenate them.To do that it uses a different Loop End node named "Loop End (Column Append)". 3 clusters2 coordinatescolor by clustersscatter plot of original datascatter plotof iter 2 x-shifteddata set(check x-axis range)collect new data setand append toprevious oneswrite resultsto KCBdatax = x + iteration nry=y4 iterations0,1,2,3Data Generator Color Manager Scatter Plot Scatter Plot Loop End (ColumnAppend) CSV Writer Math Formula Counting Loop Start


