

Web Scraping and Analyzing Economic News

Challenge 9
Level: Medium

Description: Recently you became more interested in finance, and since you want to learn more about web scraping for work, you decided to unite both interests. Using the KNIME Web Interaction extension, can you navigate to the Economic News section on Yahoo Finance, extract the headers of only the most recent topics that pop up on the webpage, and then make sense of the results visually? Remember to filter out any ads or unrelated banners/headers/content. Hint: Find class tags in the news' XML that are unique to the content you are scraping.

Author: Thor Landstrom

URL: Yahoo Finance https://finance.yahoo.com/topic/economic-news/?guccounter=1

Chrome - working: 11.07.2024Edge - workiung 11.07.2024Firefox -working: 11.07.2024Safari - not tested ChromeEdgeFirefoxNode 2Node 4Node 10Node 11Node 17Node 18Node 19Node 20Node 21Node 22AINVIDIARelevantNode 26create a link Node 31Node 32Node 33Node 34Node 35Node 36Node 37Node 38Node 39Node 40Node 42Node 43Node 44Node 45Node 46Node 47Node 48Node 49Node 51OilGasNode 56Node 57Node 58 Web InteractionStart Web Interaction End Navigator Content Retriever Clicker Row Filter String Manipulation Column Filter Cell Splitter Cell Splitter String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation Math Formula Row Filter String Manipulation Table View(JavaScript) Column Resorter Excel Writer String Manipulation Content Retriever Table Rowto Variable CASE Switch Start CASE Switch End Table Rowto Variable CASE Switch Start CASE Switch End String Manipulation Content Retriever Clicker Table Rowto Variable CASE Switch Start CASE Switch End String Manipulation Content Retriever Clicker String Manipulation String Manipulation Math Formula(Variable) Math Formula(Variable) Math Formula(Variable) Chrome - working: 11.07.2024Edge - workiung 11.07.2024Firefox -working: 11.07.2024Safari - not tested ChromeEdgeFirefoxNode 2Node 4Node 10Node 11Node 17Node 18Node 19Node 20Node 21Node 22AINVIDIARelevantNode 26create a link Node 31Node 32Node 33Node 34Node 35Node 36Node 37Node 38Node 39Node 40Node 42Node 43Node 44Node 45Node 46Node 47Node 48Node 49Node 51OilGasNode 56Node 57Node 58Web InteractionStart Web Interaction End Navigator Content Retriever Clicker Row Filter String Manipulation Column Filter Cell Splitter Cell Splitter String Manipulation String Manipulation String Manipulation Math Formula Row Filter String Manipulation Table View(JavaScript) Column Resorter Excel Writer String Manipulation Content Retriever Table Rowto Variable CASE Switch Start CASE Switch End Table Rowto Variable CASE Switch Start CASE Switch End String Manipulation Content Retriever Clicker Table Rowto Variable CASE Switch Start CASE Switch End String Manipulation Content Retriever Clicker String Manipulation String Manipulation Math Formula(Variable) Math Formula(Variable) Math Formula(Variable)


