This directory contains 33 workflows.
At first stock price trend is exported to csv for every available stock. Then all trends are displayed in one line plot to see the most interesting […]
Challenge 10 Level: Medium Description: You work as a data analyst for a delivery company, and some packages were not delivered last week due to address […]
Challenge 11 Level: Easy Description: The 2024 Summer Olympics start this week: are you ready for some on-theme trivia? Here are three questions to test […]
Challenge 12 Level: Medium Description: Did you know that August 2nd is International Beer Day? To celebrate one of the world’s oldest beverages, you are […]
Challenge 13 Level: Easy to Medium Description: You work in the contracts department of a software company and are asked to detect fraudulent (or wrong) […]
Challenge 14 Level: Medium Description: You are a data scientist asked to analyze an avocado dataset by your team. The task at hand is to pick a specific […]
Challenge 15 Level: Easy Description: You are a social scientist researching childcare in the European Union. The data you are currently examining […]
Challenge 16 Level: Medium Description: You are the architect behind an innovative vocal assistance device, and your initial goal is to process user […]
Challenge 16 Level: Medium Description: You are the architect behind an innovative vocal assistance device, and your initial goal is to process user […]
Challenge 17 Level: Medium Description: Birds like to travel and are often flying in big groups to different parts of the globe depending on the season. […]
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