
JKISeason3-16_​Analyzing User Reviews_​rev01

Analyzing User Reviews

Challenge 16

Level: Medium

Description: You are the architect behind an innovative vocal assistance device, and your initial goal is to process user reviews and uncover insights about 'sound quality’. To this end, you decide to use 4-grams to discover frequently mentioned words near the term "sound quality”. What trends emerge from the 4-gram frequencies? What is the top 4-gram? Hint: The NGram Creator node can come in handy here!

Author: Michele Bassanelli

URL: Dataset https://api.hub.knime.com/repository/Users/alinebessa/Just%20KNIME%20It!%20Season%203%20-%20Datasets/Challenge%2016%20-%20Dataset/amazon_alexa.tsv:data?version=current-state

Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 6Node 9Node 10.Node 16Node 17,Node 19!Node 21Node 22Node 23Node 24Node 25Node 26Node 28Node 29Node 30File Reader NGram Creator Strings to Document Tag Cloud(JavaScript) Row Filter String Manipulation Cell Splitter Unpivot Column Filter Cell Splitter Unpivot Cell Splitter Unpivot String Manipulation CSV Reader Value Lookup String Manipulation Row Filter Rule-basedRow Filter Missing Value String Manipulation Node 1Node 2Node 3Node 6Node 9Node 10.Node 16Node 17,Node 19!Node 21Node 22Node 23Node 24Node 25Node 26Node 28Node 29Node 30File Reader NGram Creator Strings to Document Tag Cloud(JavaScript) Row Filter String Manipulation Cell Splitter Unpivot Column Filter Cell Splitter Unpivot Cell Splitter Unpivot String Manipulation CSV Reader Value Lookup String Manipulation Row Filter Rule-basedRow Filter Missing Value String Manipulation


