

KBL: Chapter 5 Exercise1
Workflow: Chapter 5/Exercise 1 This is a simple reporting exercise.After generating a pivoting table of # of occurrences for each group (Income class,workclass), the table is exported to build a bar chart and to show the pivoting table. adult.data setwith knime:// protocolby workclasscounting instancesof workclass and income<=50K+age into <=50K>50K+age into > 50Kworkclassas RowID File Reader Sorter Pivoting Column Rename RowID Workflow: Chapter 5/Exercise 1 This is a simple reporting exercise.After generating a pivoting table of # of occurrences for each group (Income class,workclass), the table is exported to build a bar chart and to show the pivoting table. adult.data setwith knime:// protocolby workclasscounting instancesof workclass and income<=50K+age into <=50K>50K+age into > 50Kworkclassas RowIDFile Reader Sorter Pivoting Column Rename RowID


