
csv recursive download

Requisito:Si el OS es windows, sedebe instalar wgetdescargando el .exe cmd /c wget --post-data "codigomicro=EPH-2018&consulta=si" -r --no-check-certificate -np -nH -A "*.csv" https://www.ine.gov.py/datos/encuestas/eph/Poblacion/ wgetcommandurl con el csvde ese añosplit por'-- 'Recibe Pathy descarga enLOCALPathhttp string alformato Pathlast 10 yearsextract yearsyearsyear by yearCollect datacmd commendwith yearNode 25 Bash Row Filter Cell Splitter File Reader Table Rowto Variable String to Path Create Date&TimeRange Extract Date&TimeFields Column Filter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End VariableExpressions CSV Writer Requisito:Si el OS es windows, sedebe instalar wgetdescargando el .exe cmd /c wget --post-data "codigomicro=EPH-2018&consulta=si" -r --no-check-certificate -np -nH -A "*.csv" https://www.ine.gov.py/datos/encuestas/eph/Poblacion/ wgetcommandurl con el csvde ese añosplit por'-- 'Recibe Pathy descarga enLOCALPathhttp string alformato Pathlast 10 yearsextract yearsyearsyear by yearCollect datacmd commendwith yearNode 25 Bash Row Filter Cell Splitter File Reader Table Rowto Variable String to Path Create Date&TimeRange Extract Date&TimeFields Column Filter Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Loop End VariableExpressions CSV Writer


