

ngikutin di pdf tpi hasil sama aja kek yg bawah Node 1Node 2Node 6Node 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Node 11Node 14Node 15Node 16Node 17Node 18Node 20Node 21Node 22Node 23Node 24Node 25Node 26Node 27Node 28 CSV Reader Statistics Table Cropper Cell Splitter Create CollectionColumn Ungroup Table Cropper Category to Number GroupBy Collectionto String Table Cropper Column Filter DoubleConfiguration Cell Splitter Association RuleLearner (Borgelt) Category to Number GroupBy Collectionto String Column Filter Cell Splitter Association RuleLearner (Borgelt) DoubleConfiguration ngikutin di pdf tpi hasil sama aja kek yg bawah Node 1Node 2Node 6Node 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Node 11Node 14Node 15Node 16Node 17Node 18Node 20Node 21Node 22Node 23Node 24Node 25Node 26Node 27Node 28CSV Reader Statistics Table Cropper Cell Splitter Create CollectionColumn Ungroup Table Cropper Category to Number GroupBy Collectionto String Table Cropper Column Filter DoubleConfiguration Cell Splitter Association RuleLearner (Borgelt) Category to Number GroupBy Collectionto String Column Filter Cell Splitter Association RuleLearner (Borgelt) DoubleConfiguration


