Analyze Workflow Summary

This component extracts information from a workflow summary XML file that can be obtained from either the File > Export > Workflow Summary (JSON/XML)… menu in KNIME Analytics Platform, or from a KNIME Server's REST API.

On the KNIME Analytics Platform, a workflow summary is extracted for the currently opened, executed and saved workflow in the workflow editor.

This component extracts the node names, node configurations, predecessor and successor nodes, execution status, node type, if the node is deprecated, and if it’s a metanode/component, names of the nodes and their occurrences, and the reader and writer nodes and the corresponding data locations, into a table representation based on the workflow summary file in XML format. If the “Include execution information“ option is checked when creating the workflow summary XML file, also the execution environment and installed plugins will be provided in the component’s table outputs.

Input Ports

A table containing one XML column, typically an output from XML Reader node

Output Ports

Information about nodes and their settings as well as connection details
Workflow metadata and its execution environment (such as OS)
Plugins Installed at the time of workflow execution
A summary of nodes in the workflow
Reader/Writer nodes and the corresponding file locations


