
Merging Exclusive Values in Various Columns into a Single Column

Merging Exclusive Values in Various Columns into a Single Column
Strategy 2: Using Column Merger & Recursive Loop nodes A) Determine the number of maximum iterations required for the recursive loop B) Merging duplicated columns Output table withmerged column Strategy 1: Using Column Aggregator & Ungroup nodes Example columns Merges the rest of the columns into the main columnEnds recursive loop - final output hereStart recursive loopExtract column headerTranpose to a single columnFilters the top row for column merger nodeConverts the rest of the column headers into flow variablesObtain the number of columnsSet the number as a flow variableExtracts the number of columnsAggregates all values into a listRetrieves the value from the list in the same columnSplits the first column (the main column) from the restConverts the main column header into a flow variableMerges both flow variablesRename the main column headerDetermine the number of iterations by subtracting 1Example columns Column Merger Recursive Loop End RecursiveLoop Start ExtractColumn Header Transpose Row Filter Table Rowto Variable Extract TableDimension Table Rowto Variable Row Filter Column Aggregator Ungroup Row Splitter Table Rowto Variable Merge Variables Column Rename Math Formula(Variable) Table Creator Strategy 2: Using Column Merger & Recursive Loop nodes A) Determine the number of maximum iterations required for the recursive loop B) Merging duplicated columns Output table withmerged column Strategy 1: Using Column Aggregator & Ungroup nodes Example columns Merges the rest of the columns into the main columnEnds recursive loop - final output hereStart recursive loopExtract column headerTranpose to a single columnFilters the top row for column merger nodeConverts the rest of the column headers into flow variablesObtain the number of columnsSet the number as a flow variableExtracts the number of columnsAggregates all values into a listRetrieves the value from the list in the same columnSplits the first column (the main column) from the restConverts the main column header into a flow variableMerges both flow variablesRename the main column headerDetermine the number of iterations by subtracting 1Example columns Column Merger Recursive Loop End RecursiveLoop Start ExtractColumn Header Transpose Row Filter Table Rowto Variable Extract TableDimension Table Rowto Variable Row Filter Column Aggregator Ungroup Row Splitter Table Rowto Variable Merge Variables Column Rename Math Formula(Variable) Table Creator


