
Challenge 8 - Filtering Redundant Folder References

Important - Mind the Edge Case!Not present in data set but still relevantAlbeit unrelated to each other, one folder structure is contained within another!Examplefolder1/folder3folder2/folder1/folder3/folder5Using indexOf there are three cases:A. -1: Not found, hence ignoreB. 0: Found & represeting segment matching path from beginningC. >0: False-Positive - Main and unique path but part of another TOPCurrent FolderBOTTOMRemaining toprocessKeep only0InjectEdge CaseAddFolderTOPRow Count 0meaning unique andmost deepest pathEmptyAddFolderTable Reader RecursiveLoop Start Row Splitter String Manipulation Row Filter Empty Table Creator Recursive Loop End Table Rowto Variable Table Creator Concatenate Extract TableDimension ConstantValue Column Table Rowto Variable Configurable IF/CASE Switch(Flow Variable Value) ConfigurableEnd IF/CASE Empty Table Creator ConstantValue Column Calc LoopExecution Count Important - Mind the Edge Case!Not present in data set but still relevantAlbeit unrelated to each other, one folder structure is contained within another!Examplefolder1/folder3folder2/folder1/folder3/folder5Using indexOf there are three cases:A. -1: Not found, hence ignoreB. 0: Found & represeting segment matching path from beginningC. >0: False-Positive - Main and unique path but part of another TOPCurrent FolderBOTTOMRemaining toprocessKeep only0InjectEdge CaseAddFolderTOPRow Count 0meaning unique andmost deepest pathEmptyAddFolderTable Reader RecursiveLoop Start Row Splitter String Manipulation Row Filter Empty Table Creator Recursive Loop End Table Rowto Variable Table Creator Concatenate Extract TableDimension ConstantValue Column Table Rowto Variable Configurable IF/CASE Switch(Flow Variable Value) ConfigurableEnd IF/CASE Empty Table Creator ConstantValue Column Calc LoopExecution Count


