
Book metadata retrieval with OCR and Google Books API

This workflow illustrates how to perform a simple OCR task on book edition notices and retrieve book metadata and covers using Google Books API.

Get book metadata and covers from Google Booksusing Books API Read editon notice images OCR and ISBN retrieval This workflow illustrates how to perform a simple OCR task on book edition notices and retrieve bookmetadata and covers using Google Books API. OCR in KNIME Tess4J ISBN extraction Get book metadataand covers Read image data Visualize bookmetadata and covers Get book metadata and covers from Google Booksusing Books API Read editon notice images OCR and ISBN retrieval This workflow illustrates how to perform a simple OCR task on book edition notices and retrieve bookmetadata and covers using Google Books API. OCR in KNIME Tess4J ISBN extraction Get book metadataand covers Read image data Visualize bookmetadata and covers


