
Select Images Before PDF OCR

The following workflow reads a set PDFs located in a folder where you can manually select the images in the "Table Editor" node before the OCR process

The following workflow is a combination of these workflows: https://hub.knime.com/marten_kose/spaces/Public/latest/forum_topics/OCR/text_from_pdf_images~UwsVuacnO3ZmVZgHand this one: https://forum.knime.com/t/how-to-build-an-interactive-cell-selector/42995/2and reads a set PDFs located in a folder where you can manually select the images in the "Table Editor" node before the OCR process Parses PDFand extracts imagesOutput ViewApply OCRReads extracted imagesManually SelectImagesRight ClickInteractive View: JavaScript Table Editor1 means selectionNode 41Node 42Node 43 Tika Parser Image Viewer Tess4J Image Normalizer Image Reader(Table) Table Editor Row Filter Joiner Metanode The following workflow is a combination of these workflows: https://hub.knime.com/marten_kose/spaces/Public/latest/forum_topics/OCR/text_from_pdf_images~UwsVuacnO3ZmVZgHand this one: https://forum.knime.com/t/how-to-build-an-interactive-cell-selector/42995/2and reads a set PDFs located in a folder where you can manually select the images in the "Table Editor" node before the OCR process Parses PDFand extracts imagesOutput ViewApply OCRReads extracted imagesManually SelectImagesRight ClickInteractive View: JavaScript Table Editor1 means selectionNode 41Node 42Node 43 Tika Parser Image Viewer Tess4J Image Normalizer Image Reader(Table) Table Editor Row Filter Joiner Metanode


