

Loop over players and add missing guess. calc averages to compensate for potentially varying numbers of plays Challenge 8: Wordle Scores on AverageLevel: MediumDescription: The challenge requires you to recreate the Wordle bar chart for three players. If you have never played Wordle, check this brief introduction to the game. In thischallenge, you are expected to do the following: Add missing guesses and count guess and diffult words Get continent and neighbouring countries fromhttps://restcountries.com/ If not neighbour values available, then take continent avg. Wrangle for visualization Workflow Inside of Component (displayed here for KNIME Hub inspection) Node 42Node 43Node 47Node 48Node 49Node 50Node 53Node 54Node 55Node 57Node 58Node 59Node 62Node 63Node 64Node 65Node 66Node 67Node 68Node 69Node 70Node 71Node 81Node 83Node 84Node 85 Data App Header CSV Reader Excel Reader Table Creator Joiner Unpivoting GroupBy Group Loop Start Loop End Missing Value Bar Chart Pivoting Number To String Concatenate Column Expressions GroupBy Column Expressions GroupBy Table Rowto Variable Column Expressions Joiner Column Expressions Column Expressions Bar Chart viz String Replacer Component Input Component Output Loop over players and add missing guess. calc averages to compensate for potentially varying numbers of plays Challenge 8: Wordle Scores on AverageLevel: MediumDescription: The challenge requires you to recreate the Wordle bar chart for three players. If you have never played Wordle, check this brief introduction to the game. In thischallenge, you are expected to do the following: Add missing guesses and count guess and diffult words Get continent and neighbouring countries fromhttps://restcountries.com/ If not neighbour values available, then take continent avg. Wrangle for visualization Workflow Inside of Component (displayed here for KNIME Hub inspection) Node 42Node 43Node 47Node 48Node 49Node 50Node 53Node 54Node 55Node 57Node 58Node 59Node 62Node 63Node 64Node 65Node 66Node 67Node 68Node 69Node 70Node 71Node 81Node 83Node 84Node 85 Data App Header CSV Reader Excel Reader Table Creator Joiner Unpivoting GroupBy Group Loop Start Loop End Missing Value Bar Chart Pivoting Number To String Concatenate Column Expressions GroupBy Column Expressions GroupBy Table Rowto Variable Column Expressions Joiner Column Expressions Column Expressions Bar Chart viz String Replacer Component Input Component Output


