
Server Hub Migration - Component Link Updater (stub)

This is a stub! Understand how it works and then apply it at your own risk.

Links are assumed to be absolute.

Any settings.xml found in the (sub-)folder of the path given in the Variable Creator are modified if they contain a old server link.

Search - Replace is done with the last python node.

Build the new Link - old Link DictionaryServer: old links that are searched for in the settings.xmlsHub: new links that replace the old links in the settings.xmls Components on HubNew Links to replace old Links Components on ServerOld Links to be searched for Some cleanupmight be requiredlike excluding somecomponents etc. Specify the Absolute path tothe folder (and subfolders)containing the settings.xmlsyou want to change. This is a stub! Understand how it works andthen apply it at your own risk. Links are assumed to be absolute.Any settings.xml found in the (sub-)folder of the path given in the Variable Creator are modified ifthey contain a old server link.Search - Replace is done with the last python node. ... more spaces withnew componentlinks get all ComponnetsHub Application Passwordserver credentialsget job IDfigure out addresslocal vs on serverbuild dictionarycomponents fromall spacesspace 1hub linkfor claritymake it pleasantadd xml tagsaround it for safetydo the magic here!working pathHub base urlServer urlall server settingsall hub settingsspace 2hub-mountpointList Componentson Server CredentialsConfiguration CredentialsConfiguration Extract ContextProperties Rule EngineVariable Joiner Concatenate Components Space String Manipulation Column Rename Column Resorter String Manipulation(Multi Column) Python Script Variable Creator StringConfiguration StringConfiguration Merge Variables Merge Variables Components Space StringConfiguration Build the new Link - old Link DictionaryServer: old links that are searched for in the settings.xmlsHub: new links that replace the old links in the settings.xmls Components on HubNew Links to replace old Links Components on ServerOld Links to be searched for Some cleanupmight be requiredlike excluding somecomponents etc. Specify the Absolute path tothe folder (and subfolders)containing the settings.xmlsyou want to change. This is a stub! Understand how it works andthen apply it at your own risk. Links are assumed to be absolute.Any settings.xml found in the (sub-)folder of the path given in the Variable Creator are modified ifthey contain a old server link.Search - Replace is done with the last python node. ... more spaces withnew componentlinks get all ComponnetsHub Application Passwordserver credentialsget job IDfigure out addresslocal vs on serverbuild dictionarycomponents fromall spacesspace 1hub linkfor claritymake it pleasantadd xml tagsaround it for safetydo the magic here!working pathHub base urlServer urlall server settingsall hub settingsspace 2hub-mountpointList Componentson Server CredentialsConfiguration CredentialsConfiguration Extract ContextProperties Rule EngineVariable Joiner Concatenate Components Space String Manipulation Column Rename Column Resorter String Manipulation(Multi Column) Python Script Variable Creator StringConfiguration StringConfiguration Merge Variables Merge Variables Components Space StringConfiguration


