This node can be used to finds the optimal number and location of warehouses based on transport, handling and fixed warehouse costs. It can model your flows starting from the factories via the warehouses up to your customers. It is also possible to regard capcity restrictions (weight, volume) in warehouses. If you have an existing network structure, it is also possible to fix your existing warehouses and search for additional ones. Define detailed transportation costs for all factory-warehouse and warehouse-customer relations.
For this node eight input tables are needed. Three input tables are mandatory - factories, warehouses and customers, and the rest are optional, but in order to node works all ports must be connected.
The first one contains the information of the factories.
The second table contains all the information concerning the warehouses.
The third table contains the information of the customers.
The fourth table is used to define product segments and the available warehouses for each of segment.
The fifth table is used to define transport costs for all factory-warehouses and warehouse-customer relations. Please make sure to specify transport costs for all possible relations. If one relation is missing, the transport costs will be zero for this relation.
The sixth table is used to define general rules and the corresponding vehicle capacities transport costs. The rules are then applied to the relations and the appropriate capacity and cost values are assigned to each relation. The relations that don't match any rules will not be considered, and the transport cost for them will be set to 0.
The seventh and eighth table are used to define stepwise cost function weight and volume respectfully. This is relevant when the variable costs are not linear, rather decreasing/increasing based on the total weight/volume going through a warehouse. Each function is defined by a unique ID, and the costs are defined per different steps (weight/volume ranges). The upper limit for each step is defined, and the costs from a specific step are considered (active) whenever the total weight/volume assigned to a warehouse falls within the step range.
The ninth table is used to define maximum distance within which a given percentage of total demand must be met. The rules create a constraint that a certain % of weight, volume or both have to come from a warehouse whithin the specified distance. Multiple consecutive rules can be defined, along with the respective limits and percentages. They can also be set as either a hard, or a soft constraint, by defining the appropriate penalty parameters.
Please specify the distance unit, vehicle type, street level, inbound consolidation, outbound consolidation, allow multisourcing, min and max warehouses parameters in the configuration dialogue.
In case input and output data need to be saved on the Log-hub Platform, please set save scenario flag to true, fill the workspace id for the workspace in which the scenario should be saved, and give name to the scenario. In case existing scenario should be overwritten, set the overwrite scenario flag also to true, otherwise leave to false.
To use this node you need an API Key from Log-hub Supply Chain Apps. This key you can generate with an Supply Chain Apps Pro Account. More information you can find on
Log-hub video for API key generation:
To use this component in KNIME, download it from the below URL and open it in KNIME:
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