

<p>This Worfklow functions as a recipe Data App if run on the EduHub.</p><p></p><p>The user needs to enter an OpenAI key and register on Nutrionix. If you don't want to register you can also change the Wf to instruct OpenAI to give you the nutrion facts. If you use it that way you could also make use of the structured output or JSOn mode of OpenAI to yield reliable formatted output.</p><p></p><p>Have fun and send me your favourite recipes.</p>

This Worfklow functions as a recipe Data App if run on the EduHub.

The user needs to enter an OpenAI key and register on Nutrionix. If you don't want to register you can also change the Wf to instruct OpenAI to give you the nutrion facts. If you use it that way you could also make use of the structured output or JSOn mode of OpenAI to yield reliable formatted output.

Have fun and send me your favourite recipes.


