

Questions1. What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring in females?2. What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring in males?3. Which US state has the highest cancer incidence rate (that is, the highest numberof cancer cases normalized by the size of its population)?Source Data: https://hub.knime.com/alinebessa/spaces/Just%20KNIME%20It!%20Datasets/latest/Challenge%203%20-%20Datasets~pZAJOPBXtHiXnRhq/ Assumptions* Puerto Rico is not considered a state of the USA but rather an US controlled territory** Cancer sites with starting with "Male & Female" as well as "All Invasive Cancer..." are considered as totals / subtotalsof numbers recorded elsewhere in the dataset and therefore excluded Replace with your localcopy of source data importcancer datareplace missing valsin countw/ 0group by sex codepivot by cancer siteexclude"empty" statestransposetbl by 90°del"old" rowIDscolsort bysex code andcountre-gain"lost" colnamesExclude all"All Invasive Cancer Sites Combined" rows(assumed total rows) **exclude"Male & Female"subtotal rows **rank bycount persex codeexclude anyrank>5sort bysex code andcountimportpopulation datacleanstate namesexclude Puerto Rico*group sum of countby Statesdeterminethe divider for"per 100k population"join cancer countw/ population tblcalccancer casesper 100k populationtidy colsrank by"case per 100k pop"desckeep onlytop5CSV Reader Missing Value Pivoting Row Filter Unpivoting Column Filter Sorter Column Rename Row Filter Row Filter Rank Row Filter Sorter Excel Reader String Manipulation Row Filter GroupBy Math Formula Joiner Math Formula Column Filter Rank Row Filter Questions1. What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring in females?2. What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring in males?3. Which US state has the highest cancer incidence rate (that is, the highest numberof cancer cases normalized by the size of its population)?Source Data: https://hub.knime.com/alinebessa/spaces/Just%20KNIME%20It!%20Datasets/latest/Challenge%203%20-%20Datasets~pZAJOPBXtHiXnRhq/ Assumptions* Puerto Rico is not considered a state of the USA but rather an US controlled territory** Cancer sites with starting with "Male & Female" as well as "All Invasive Cancer..." are considered as totals / subtotalsof numbers recorded elsewhere in the dataset and therefore excluded Replace with your localcopy of source data importcancer datareplace missing valsin countw/ 0group by sex codepivot by cancer siteexclude"empty" statestransposetbl by 90°del"old" rowIDscolsort bysex code andcountre-gain"lost" colnamesExclude all"All Invasive Cancer Sites Combined" rows(assumed total rows) **exclude"Male & Female"subtotal rows **rank bycount persex codeexclude anyrank>5sort bysex code andcountimportpopulation datacleanstate namesexclude Puerto Rico*group sum of countby Statesdeterminethe divider for"per 100k population"join cancer countw/ population tblcalccancer casesper 100k populationtidy colsrank by"case per 100k pop"desckeep onlytop5CSV Reader Missing Value Pivoting Row Filter Unpivoting Column Filter Sorter Column Rename Row Filter Row Filter Rank Row Filter Sorter Excel Reader String Manipulation Row Filter GroupBy Math Formula Joiner Math Formula Column Filter Rank Row Filter


