
Retry Database Connection

Retry Database Connection
Retry Database ConnectionThis Workflow Snippet shows how to try connecting to a database multiple times using a try catch block and a loop. The loop stops either: - when the retry count reaches the maximum defined at the Counting Loop Start node OR - when a successful DB connection is established To simulate the behaviour of unsuccessful retries, configure the Counting Loop Start node with number of loops <= 3.The Fail Workflow Component at the end is important ONLY for execution on a KNIME Server. It detects if a successful connection has beenestablished during the retries and throws an error marking the overall workflow execution unsuccessful. Dummy Tablecreate a valid path only on the 4thiteration5 iterationschange to 3 to simulate failing end loop ifno_node_is_failing Table Creator Try (VariablePorts) Java EditVariable (simple) Catch Errors(Var Ports) DB Table Selector Counting Loop Start SQLite Connector Variable ConditionLoop End DB Reader Fail Workflow Retry Database ConnectionThis Workflow Snippet shows how to try connecting to a database multiple times using a try catch block and a loop. The loop stops either: - when the retry count reaches the maximum defined at the Counting Loop Start node OR - when a successful DB connection is established To simulate the behaviour of unsuccessful retries, configure the Counting Loop Start node with number of loops <= 3.The Fail Workflow Component at the end is important ONLY for execution on a KNIME Server. It detects if a successful connection has beenestablished during the retries and throws an error marking the overall workflow execution unsuccessful. Dummy Tablecreate a valid path only on the 4thiteration5 iterationschange to 3 to simulate failing end loop ifno_node_is_failing Table Creator Try (VariablePorts) Java EditVariable (simple) Catch Errors(Var Ports) DB Table Selector Counting Loop Start SQLite Connector Variable ConditionLoop End DB Reader Fail Workflow


