
Integrate Execution Date in File Name

If a workflow is executed on a regular basis you might want to add the execution date to the file name to avoid overwriting the file from the previous day.
This workflow snippet shows how you can do so by adding the execution date to the file name automatically, before creating a path flow variable with the new file name.

This workflow snippet shows how you can do so by adding the execution date to the file name automatically, before creating a path flow variablewith the new file name. Create flow variablewith file name,including the execution dateCreate path flowvariabe using the createdfile nameWrite file using thecreated path flow variableGenerate example dataCreate tablewith execution date String Manipulation(Variable) Create File/FolderVariables Table Writer Data Generator Create Date&TimeRange Table Rowto Variable This workflow snippet shows how you can do so by adding the execution date to the file name automatically, before creating a path flow variablewith the new file name. Create flow variablewith file name,including the execution dateCreate path flowvariabe using the createdfile nameWrite file using thecreated path flow variableGenerate example dataCreate tablewith execution date String Manipulation(Variable) Create File/FolderVariables Table Writer Data Generator Create Date&TimeRange Table Rowto Variable


