
Update Inference Deployment

Update an Inference Deployment with the desired version of the selected, already deployed, workflow. You have the choice to create a new version of the workflow.

Define to which Edge clusters an Inference Deployment is deployed.

The workflow checks that at least one execution image and a workflow is available for the deployment. The workflows to deploy must be located in a folder called "Inference Deployed" located on the same level of this workflow.

The workflows collects all input parameters and creates a JSON Body to perform the PUT Request that updates the deployed on the KNIME Edge Service.

If a workflow is deleted from the "Inference Deployment" folder, it will not be possible to update the Inference Deployment.

Json Input Body JSON Input sampleDisplay Results Deploymentsselection Hub Connection Gather inputs PUT Request Check imageavailability Get Deployments ContainerInput (JSON) Create the JSONDeployment Validate inputs Check WorkflowExistence Json Input Body JSON Input sampleDisplay Results Deploymentsselection Hub Connection Gather inputs PUT Request Check imageavailability Get Deployments ContainerInput (JSON) Create the JSONDeployment Validate inputs Check WorkflowExistence


