

This example workflow is licensed under

This example workflow is licensed under
the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt in the
workflow directory for details.

Automatically applying the same format to several sheets, with dynamic adjustment to different table structures This example workflow is licensed under the MIT License. SeeLICENSE.txt in the workflow directory for details. Logic of this workflow:1. create the unformatted XLS file from potentially changing input data2. define the formatting instructions only once, incl. logic to adjust to changing inputtable layout (e.g. extra columns, different number of rows, etc.)3. collect all sheets' XLS Formatter port objects and utilize a generic component tomerge them into one4. write the merged formatting instructions to the destination XLS fileby BUto wide layoutto longby BUassigntagsto wideheaderto boldBUfreezethickouterconvert the XLSFormatting port objectto a table cell forloop-collection ofresults per sheetcopy/pastable componentthat recursively mergesa column's XLS Formatterport objects to oneto widelayoutinput datain long layoutExcel SheetAppender (XLS) Group Loop Start Pivoting Variable Loop End XLS ControlTable Generator Group Loop Start Rule Engine Pivoting RowID XLS Font Formatter XLS Sheet Selector XLS SheetProperties XLS BorderFormatter Model to Cell Loop End Merge Ports Pivoting File Reader XLS Formatter(apply) Automatically applying the same format to several sheets, with dynamic adjustment to different table structures This example workflow is licensed under the MIT License. SeeLICENSE.txt in the workflow directory for details. Logic of this workflow:1. create the unformatted XLS file from potentially changing input data2. define the formatting instructions only once, incl. logic to adjust to changing inputtable layout (e.g. extra columns, different number of rows, etc.)3. collect all sheets' XLS Formatter port objects and utilize a generic component tomerge them into one4. write the merged formatting instructions to the destination XLS fileby BUto wide layoutto longby BUassigntagsto wideheaderto boldBUfreezethickouterconvert the XLSFormatting port objectto a table cell forloop-collection ofresults per sheetcopy/pastable componentthat recursively mergesa column's XLS Formatterport objects to oneto widelayoutinput datain long layoutExcel SheetAppender (XLS) Group Loop Start Pivoting Variable Loop End XLS ControlTable Generator Group Loop Start Rule Engine Pivoting RowID XLS Font Formatter XLS Sheet Selector XLS SheetProperties XLS BorderFormatter Model to Cell Loop End Merge Ports Pivoting File Reader XLS Formatter(apply)


