

Call Remote Workflow Demo

Here we demonstrate how a workflow can execute another workflow that is stored on a KNIME Server. We score German credit customers using a prebuilt model. The predicted scores are produced by another workflow that we call a "Predictor Workflow". The parameters are transferred in JSON format between this workflow and the "Predictor Workflow". For each line in the input table, i.e. for each credit customer, the remote workflow will be executed once.

A consumer workflow that uses another workflow to do the work. You can open the "Predictor Workflow" and check how it is repeatedly executed while the "Call RemoteWorkflow" is running. The "Predictor Workflow" is available via the attached link. German Creditconvert each row into one JSONexecute the predictionon the server File Reader Table to JSON JSON to Table Column Filter Call Remote Workflow(Row Based) A consumer workflow that uses another workflow to do the work. You can open the "Predictor Workflow" and check how it is repeatedly executed while the "Call RemoteWorkflow" is running. The "Predictor Workflow" is available via the attached link. German Creditconvert each row into one JSONexecute the predictionon the server File Reader Table to JSON JSON to Table Column Filter Call Remote Workflow(Row Based)


