
05_​Austin bike sharing with Google BigQuery

Austin Bike-sharing with Google BigQuery
Google Authentication Austin weather Data load on Google BigQuery Austin Bikeshare custom query This workflow connects to Google BigQuery in order to retrieve public available data. After manipulation and visualiation, data areuploaded as a BigQuery personal schema. Connect to BigQuery schemaSelect tableand fieldsGroup by dayQuery the DBFilter outsome rowsProvide your serviceaccount ID and the P12 keyRead local fileRead dateConvert string todate formatJoin dataCreate table on BigQueryUpload data Google BigQueryConnector DB Table Selector DB GroupBy DB Reader DB Row Filter Google Authentication(API Key) File Reader Extract Date&TimeFields String to Date&Time Joiner DB Table Creator DB Loader Data manipulation Visualization Google Authentication Austin weather Data load on Google BigQuery Austin Bikeshare custom query This workflow connects to Google BigQuery in order to retrieve public available data. After manipulation and visualiation, data areuploaded as a BigQuery personal schema. Connect to BigQuery schemaSelect tableand fieldsGroup by dayQuery the DBFilter outsome rowsProvide your serviceaccount ID and the P12 keyRead local fileRead dateConvert string todate formatJoin dataCreate table on BigQueryUpload data Google BigQueryConnector DB Table Selector DB GroupBy DB Reader DB Row Filter Google Authentication(API Key) File Reader Extract Date&TimeFields String to Date&Time Joiner DB Table Creator DB Loader Data manipulation Visualization


