

Basic RESTful Web Services Example 1

Demonstrates how to create a REST-based web service that can be deployed via the KNIME Server.

Simple workflow to create a RESTful web service that expects two parameters fromthe caller. convert columnto lower casecolumnvariablenum_rowsvariableConnect tocensus datapick the tabless13pmeSort on the selected columnPick the first NRetrieve results ContainerOutput (JSON) Table to JSON String Manipulation(Variable) String Input Integer Input SQLite Connector DB Table Selector DB Sorter DB Row Sampling DB Reader Simple workflow to create a RESTful web service that expects two parameters fromthe caller. convert columnto lower casecolumnvariablenum_rowsvariableConnect tocensus datapick the tabless13pmeSort on the selected columnPick the first NRetrieve results ContainerOutput (JSON) Table to JSON String Manipulation(Variable) String Input Integer Input SQLite Connector DB Table Selector DB Sorter DB Row Sampling DB Reader


