

SPARQL Queries and Named Graphs

This workflow demonstrates how to insert semantic web triples to named graphs and shows the result from possible queries.

This workflow demonstrates how insert triples to named graphs and shows the result from possible queries. In-MemoryTriplestoreEndpoint.Create triples withgraph name columnInsert withgraph name columnselectedSELECT *from all graphsSELECT *from graph3list allnamed graphs Memory Endpoint Table Creator SPARQL Insert SPARQL Query SPARQL Query SPARQL ListGraph Names This workflow demonstrates how insert triples to named graphs and shows the result from possible queries. In-MemoryTriplestoreEndpoint.Create triples withgraph name columnInsert withgraph name columnselectedSELECT *from all graphsSELECT *from graph3list allnamed graphsMemory Endpoint Table Creator SPARQL Insert SPARQL Query SPARQL Query SPARQL ListGraph Names


