This directory contains 12 workflows.
This workflow demonstrates how to write triples to files either directly from the Endpoint or from Table. Files can be written either directly from a […]
The workflow demonstates how to perform a SELECT query on different endpoints. This can either be a Virtuoso Endpoint, a different SPARQL Endpoint or an […]
This workflow demonstrates how to insert triples from a table to an In-Memory Endpoint using the SPARQL Insert node. Additionally a SPARQL Query has been […]
This workflow demonstrates how to insert Semantic Web triples to an endpoint directly from a file using the SPARQL File Inserter node.
This workflow demonstrates how to insert semantic web triples to named graphs and shows the result from possible queries.
This workflow demonstrates how to update triples stored in an endpoint. Please pay attention to the update rules described in the SPARQL Update node […]
This workflow demonstrates how to Update triples stored in an endpoint. Pay attention to the update rules described in the SPARQL Delete node description.
This workflow demonstrates how to use the SPARQL Executor node. The Exector node allows to perform custom update SPARQL queries. The two examples […]
Public endpoints often have a limited return (say 10000 triples) to overcome this and do larger queries one can work with OFFSET if necessary. This can be […]
This workflow demonstrates a possible use of the semantic web plugin nodes. We query dbpedia to retrieve all the chalkboard gags from the intros of the […]
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