

Network Partition Analysis

Schools Wikipedia is a subset of the English Wikipedia and contains more than 5000 articles.
Those articles are represented as nodes in the network with the title of the article as node id.
Each of the main categories e.g. art, science, mathematics, etc. are represented by a partition in the network and nodes are assigned to their corresponding partitions.
The edges in the network represent hyperlinks of an article. Thus, each directed edge represents a hyperlink with the article that contains the hyperlink as source and the linked article as target node.

Show the network of the art related articles Show nodes per category Category analysis The workflow demonstrates how the partition information can be used during network analysis while it's analysing schools Wikipedia using the network analysis plugin. Artfilter empty edgesfilter leafsno of edges between partitionsedge countdescremove unnecessary columnsget the partitions Network Reader Partition Filter Edge Degree Filter Partition Table Ungroup Color Manager InteractiveHistogram (local) PartitionGraph Creator Network Viewer(local) Network Viewer(local) Node Degree Filter Feature Table Sorter Column Filter Cell Splitter Show the network of the art related articles Show nodes per category Category analysis The workflow demonstrates how the partition information can be used during network analysis while it's analysing schools Wikipedia using the network analysis plugin. Artfilter empty edgesfilter leafsno of edges between partitionsedge countdescremove unnecessary columnsget the partitions Network Reader Partition Filter Edge Degree Filter Partition Table Ungroup Color Manager InteractiveHistogram (local) PartitionGraph Creator Network Viewer(local) Network Viewer(local) Node Degree Filter Feature Table Sorter Column Filter Cell Splitter


