

This directory contains 9 workflows.


This workflow demonstrates the creation of a network based on an edge table. It also demonstrates the insertion of node features from an feature table and […]


This workflow demonstrates the filtering of nodes based on a given id list or based on a feature value. It also demonstrates the filtering of leafs and […]


This workflow extracts the direct neighborhood of each node in the network and performes some basic network analysis tasks on each of the subgraphs.


This workflow predicts unknown feautures of a network using built-in KNIME data mining nodes. The workflow learns a decision tree model to predict the phase […]


The workflow analyses data from DrugBank (http://www.drugbank.ca/) a public available db that combines detailed drug (i.e. chemical, pharmacological and […]


This workflow clusters nodes of a given network by extracting node adjacency matrix first and use that to generate a distance matrix which is used to […]


Prerequisites to run the workflow with other data than in the example: 1. Generate a suitable query on PubMed webpage (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed) […]


This workflow analyses Schools Wikipedia using the network analysis plugin which is a subset of the English Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org) and contains […]


Schools Wikipedia is a subset of the English Wikipedia and contains more than 5000 articles. Those articles are represented as nodes in the network with […]