

RSS Feed Reader

The workflow starts with URLs to some RSS news feeds. The news feed is downloaded, parsed and transformed in documents.

Names of persons, organizations and locations are then recognized and the corresponding tags are assigned, in order to apply a coloring based on a tag type later on.

After transformation into a bag of words, and filtering of all non-persons, -organizations, or –locations colors are assigned and the terms are visualized via a Tag Cloud.

This workflows downloads the most recent New York Times news feeds, extracts the titles and text, recognizes named entities in the news and visualizes these named entities asTag Cloud. Downloading of latest NY Times rss feed Named Entity Recognition Tag Cloud Visualization Preparation color by tag (person, organization, location)NY Times rss feedFilter unnecessarycolumnsFilter unnecessaryhtml tagsRead feed and generate document columnTag persons, organization,locations Tags To String TF Color Manager Tag Cloud GroupBy Table Creator Column Filter Tag Filter Markup Tag Filter RSS Feed Reader StanfordNLPNE Tagger Bag Of WordsCreator Tag Cloud This workflows downloads the most recent New York Times news feeds, extracts the titles and text, recognizes named entities in the news and visualizes these named entities asTag Cloud. Downloading of latest NY Times rss feed Named Entity Recognition Tag Cloud Visualization Preparation color by tag (person, organization, location)NY Times rss feedFilter unnecessarycolumnsFilter unnecessaryhtml tagsRead feed and generate document columnTag persons, organization,locations Tags To String TF Color Manager Tag Cloud GroupBy Table Creator Column Filter Tag Filter Markup Tag Filter RSS Feed Reader StanfordNLPNE Tagger Bag Of WordsCreator Tag Cloud


