

Document Classification: Model Training and Deployment
This workflow shows how to import textual data, preprocess documents by filtering and stemming, transform documents into a bag of words and document vectors and finally build a predictivemodel to classify the documents. It also contains the corresponding deployment workflow. Data Import Preprocessing Transformation Predictive Modeling and Scoring Preprocessing Predictive Modeling and Scoring Data Import Transformation Document Classification: Model Deployment Color by category (class)Training and test setConvert todocumentsBinary vectorcreationBased on documentfrequencyConvert todocumentsBinary vectorcreationBased on documentfrequencyYoutube commentsYoutube commentsdeployment datadictionary structure Punctuation Erasure N Chars Filter Number Filter Case Converter Snowball Stemmer Color Manager Partitioning Category To Class SVM Predictor SVM Learner Strings To Document Column Filter Document Vector Term Filtering Punctuation Erasure Strings To Document SVM Predictor Document Vector Number Filter Case Converter Term Filtering Column Filter Snowball Stemmer N Chars Filter Concatenate Missing Value Stop Word Filter Stop Word Filter Table Reader Column Filter Scorer PMML Writer Table Reader Table Reader Column Filter PMML Reader This workflow shows how to import textual data, preprocess documents by filtering and stemming, transform documents into a bag of words and document vectors and finally build a predictivemodel to classify the documents. It also contains the corresponding deployment workflow. Data Import Preprocessing Transformation Predictive Modeling and Scoring Preprocessing Predictive Modeling and Scoring Data Import Transformation Document Classification: Model Deployment Color by category (class)Training and test setConvert todocumentsBinary vectorcreationBased on documentfrequencyConvert todocumentsBinary vectorcreationBased on documentfrequencyYoutube commentsYoutube commentsdeployment datadictionary structure Punctuation Erasure N Chars Filter Number Filter Case Converter Snowball Stemmer Color Manager Partitioning Category To Class SVM Predictor SVM Learner Strings To Document Column Filter Document Vector Term Filtering Punctuation Erasure Strings To Document SVM Predictor Document Vector Number Filter Case Converter Term Filtering Column Filter Snowball Stemmer N Chars Filter Concatenate Missing Value Stop Word Filter Stop Word Filter Table Reader Column Filter Scorer PMML Writer Table Reader Table Reader Column Filter PMML Reader


