

MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline
MongoDB Aggregation Pipelines with various use cases.Collection used for querying is restaurants.json which comesas sample dataset on MongoDB Atlas. This workflow demonstrates the usage of Aggregation Pipelines in MongoDB.To get started for free register for a MongoDB Atlas account at: https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas/register Establish connectionwith AtlasEmpty query returns resultjust like .find() function would.Average score of restaurants in Brooklyn, for each zip code, whichserves Italian cuisineCount of restaurants withrespect to cuisine.Sum, Average, Minimum and Maximum score of restaurants serving Italian cuisine MongoDB Connector MongoDB Aggregation MongoDB Aggregation MongoDB Aggregation MongoDB Aggregation MongoDB Aggregation Pipelines with various use cases.Collection used for querying is restaurants.json which comesas sample dataset on MongoDB Atlas. This workflow demonstrates the usage of Aggregation Pipelines in MongoDB.To get started for free register for a MongoDB Atlas account at: https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas/register Establish connectionwith AtlasEmpty query returns resultjust like .find() function would.Average score of restaurants in Brooklyn, for each zip code, whichserves Italian cuisineCount of restaurants withrespect to cuisine.Sum, Average, Minimum and Maximum score of restaurants serving Italian cuisineMongoDB Connector MongoDB Aggregation MongoDB Aggregation MongoDB Aggregation MongoDB Aggregation


