

MongoDB Nodes
MongoDB Writer: Write JSON data to a MongoDB. MongoDB Reader: Read JSON data from a MongoDB with the help of querys, projections and sorting criteria. MongoDB Update: Update single or multiple entries, or insert totally new entries. MongoDB Remove: Remove specific entries. MongoDB Save: Read data into your workflow, manipulate it and replace / upsert the corresponding entries in the MongoDB. This workflow requires you to set up a local MongoDB instance. You can follow the guide: https://docs.mongodb.com/guides/server/install/ to install it on your system. You can find the JSON dataset in the data folder from this workflow. Removing a movie according to its titleRead all dataupdateOne: update the year ofonly a single documentWriting the movie dataset to the MongoDBConnect to a local MongoDBRead in movie dataset (JSON)Save modified documentsCreate JSON QueryString -> QueryString -> QueryCreate JSON Query/ProjectionString -> ProjectionGet movies from the year 1900 and 2005 with the $in conditionGet movies from the year 2005 and the actor Christian Bale with the $and conditionConnect to a local MongoDBGet movies from the year greater than 2005 or from the genre "Comedy" with the $or conditionTurn JSON result into TableGet movies from the genre "Comedy" and sort them accending according to the yearConnect to a local MongoDBConnect to a local MongoDBConnect to a local MongoDBGet movies from the year 1900 and 2005 with the $in conditionSet year to 1901 for allupsert: Create a new document if there is no document identified with the queryupdateMany: update the year of all documents specified by the search queryCreate JSON Query/ProjectionString -> QueryString -> ProjectionMongoDB Remove MongoDB Reader MongoDB Update MongoDB Writer MongoDB Connector JSON Reader MongoDB Save Table Creator String to JSON String to JSON Table Creator String to JSON MongoDB Reader MongoDB Reader MongoDB Connector MongoDB Reader JSON to Table MongoDB Reader MongoDB Connector MongoDB Connector MongoDB Connector MongoDB Reader JSON Transformer MongoDB Update MongoDB Update Table Creator String to JSON String to JSON MongoDB Writer: Write JSON data to a MongoDB. MongoDB Reader: Read JSON data from a MongoDB with the help of querys, projections and sorting criteria. MongoDB Update: Update single or multiple entries, or insert totally new entries. MongoDB Remove: Remove specific entries. MongoDB Save: Read data into your workflow, manipulate it and replace / upsert the corresponding entries in the MongoDB. This workflow requires you to set up a local MongoDB instance. You can follow the guide: https://docs.mongodb.com/guides/server/install/ to install it on your system. You can find the JSON dataset in the data folder from this workflow. Removing a movie according to its titleRead all dataupdateOne: update the year ofonly a single documentWriting the movie dataset to the MongoDBConnect to a local MongoDBRead in movie dataset (JSON)Save modified documentsCreate JSON QueryString -> QueryString -> QueryCreate JSON Query/ProjectionString -> ProjectionGet movies from the year 1900 and 2005 with the $in conditionGet movies from the year 2005 and the actor Christian Bale with the $and conditionConnect to a local MongoDBGet movies from the year greater than 2005 or from the genre "Comedy" with the $or conditionTurn JSON result into TableGet movies from the genre "Comedy" and sort them accending according to the yearConnect to a local MongoDBConnect to a local MongoDBConnect to a local MongoDBGet movies from the year 1900 and 2005 with the $in conditionSet year to 1901 for allupsert: Create a new document if there is no document identified with the queryupdateMany: update the year of all documents specified by the search queryCreate JSON Query/ProjectionString -> QueryString -> ProjectionMongoDB Remove MongoDB Reader MongoDB Update MongoDB Writer MongoDB Connector JSON Reader MongoDB Save Table Creator String to JSON String to JSON Table Creator String to JSON MongoDB Reader MongoDB Reader MongoDB Connector MongoDB Reader JSON to Table MongoDB Reader MongoDB Connector MongoDB Connector MongoDB Connector MongoDB Reader JSON Transformer MongoDB Update MongoDB Update Table Creator String to JSON String to JSON


