Process Mining View

This component generates a view to explore processes. A vertical flowchart and range slider are rendered in the composite view.

Using the slider you can filter out activities that occur up to the selected relative frequency, that is the percentage of how often that trace occurs over all other possible traces. To filter processes based on a timestamp or other metrics, consider building a custom workflow before this component.

How to interpret the flowchart:

- Each node represents the process/trace state. Links between process states represent the transaction from the state above to the one below.

- The transaction between states maps to an activity that has been carried out in the process.

- The number on the links represent the number of processes/traces that went through that transaction between states.

- The nodes S and E are added to each process and represent the start and end of the process, respectively.

- The number on the nodes, between brackets “<” and “>”, represents the number of processes that include such a state.

- The color of the node, from light yellow to dark orange, depends on the displayed number: the higher the number the darker the color.

The flowchart was implemented using the JavaScript library “mermaid.js” (, MIT License (MIT), Copyright (c) 2014 - 2022 Knut Sveidqvist.


Case ID Column
Select the case ID column.
State Column
Select the column containing the information about the different possible states in the process.
Timestamp Column
Select the timestamp column.

Input Ports

Event Data refers to a data table containing the log information of a specific process. Each row represents a specific activity that has been carried out in a specific time by a case.

Output Ports

This node has no output ports


