
KNIME Data Science Learnathon - Group 3C - Automated Model Deployment as Service

The data science learnathon is a workshop where participants divide in 3 groups: prepare data, train and test the model, deploy the model.

This workflow shows a simple example of churn prediction with interactive threshold optimization. This workflow is used for showcasing how you can automatically upload, version, deploy a model as a service API within the same workflow where the model is trained. To do this we use a special KNIME Extension called KNIME Integrated Deployment.

URL: KNIME Integrated Deployment Guide - KNIME Docs https://docs.knime.com/latest/integrated_deployment_guide
URL: KNIME Integrated Deployment - KNIME.com https://www.knime.com/integrated-deployment
URL: Integrated Deployment KNIME Blog Articles https://www.knime.com/integrated-deployment-knime-blog-series
URL: KNIME Business Hub User Guide - KNIME Docs https://docs.knime.com/latest/business_hub_user_guide
URL: KNIME Business Hub features in small steps - KNIME Forum https://forum.knime.com/t/knime-business-hub-features-in-small-steps


