
08 Decision Tree Model

08 Decision Tree Model
Exercise: Decision Tree ModelExecute the metanode below. It accesses the demographics, geocoordinates, and travel risk information in differentcountries/territories, and creates a binomial column Travel with two values "Travel safely" and "Travel with care"based on the travel risk information. You task is to predict this travel risk category based on the demographics andgeocoordinates data.1.1) Partition the data into a training set (70%) and a test set (30%). Apply stratified sampling on the Travel column.1.2) Build a decision tree model to predict the travel risk category in the Travel column. Apply the model to the testset.1.3) Evaluate the model's performance with the Scorer (JavaScript) node. What is the overall accuracy of the model?0.698 70/30 splitstratified by TravelPredict TravelEvaluate modelData access andpreprocessing Partitioning DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor Scorer (JavaScript) Exercise: Decision Tree ModelExecute the metanode below. It accesses the demographics, geocoordinates, and travel risk information in differentcountries/territories, and creates a binomial column Travel with two values "Travel safely" and "Travel with care"based on the travel risk information. You task is to predict this travel risk category based on the demographics andgeocoordinates data.1.1) Partition the data into a training set (70%) and a test set (30%). Apply stratified sampling on the Travel column.1.2) Build a decision tree model to predict the travel risk category in the Travel column. Apply the model to the testset.1.3) Evaluate the model's performance with the Scorer (JavaScript) node. What is the overall accuracy of the model?0.698 70/30 splitstratified by TravelPredict TravelEvaluate modelData access andpreprocessing Partitioning DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor Scorer (JavaScript)


