
Create multiple folders

Create multiple folders in the workflow data area Create multiple folders in a defined loaction Table with foldernamescreate path relative to workflow data areaCreate one folderper iterationControl the pathwith the flow variableNode 15create path relative to workflow data areaCreate one folderper iterationTable with foldernamesNode 20Control the pathwith the flow variableCreate string with with file pathDefine baselocation and controlfolder names with the created array flow variablesCreate collectioncells with folder names and empty extensionAdd empty column for extension listCreate one folderper iterationNode 31Control the pathwith the flow variable Table Creator DuplicateRow Filter String to Path Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Create Folder Variable Loop End String to Path Table Row ToVariable Loop Start DuplicateRow Filter Table Creator Variable Loop End Create Folder String Manipulation Create File/FolderVariables GroupBy ConstantValue Column Table Rowto Variable Variable toTable Row Transpose Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Variable Loop End Create Folder Create multiple folders in the workflow data area Create multiple folders in a defined loaction Table with foldernamescreate path relative to workflow data areaCreate one folderper iterationControl the pathwith the flow variableNode 15create path relative to workflow data areaCreate one folderper iterationTable with foldernamesNode 20Control the pathwith the flow variableCreate string with with file pathDefine baselocation and controlfolder names with the created array flow variablesCreate collectioncells with folder names and empty extensionAdd empty column for extension listCreate one folderper iterationNode 31Control the pathwith the flow variableTable Creator DuplicateRow Filter String to Path Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Create Folder Variable Loop End String to Path Table Row ToVariable Loop Start DuplicateRow Filter Table Creator Variable Loop End Create Folder String Manipulation Create File/FolderVariables GroupBy ConstantValue Column Table Rowto Variable Variable toTable Row Transpose Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Variable Loop End Create Folder


