

This workflow performs a spectrum identification using X!Tandem and MS-GF+, followed by merging the spectrumidentifications and the protein inference with PIA. You can find tutorial input files athttps://hub.knime.com/julianu/spaces/PIA/latest/ orhttps://github.com/julianu/pia-tutorial Identification with MS-GF+: the mzIdentML file can be used forPIA Identification with X!Tandem: using idXML for PIA run protein inferenceand filter PSMsPort to URIcompile spectrumidentifications forPIA analysismzML Inputprotein databasePort to URIput both IDsin one listidentify MS spectraNode 592connect peptidesto protein accessionsPIA Analysis Port to URI PIA Compiler Input File Input File Port to URI Concatenate XTandemAdapter MSGFPlusAdapter PeptideIndexer This workflow performs a spectrum identification using X!Tandem and MS-GF+, followed by merging the spectrumidentifications and the protein inference with PIA. You can find tutorial input files athttps://hub.knime.com/julianu/spaces/PIA/latest/ orhttps://github.com/julianu/pia-tutorial Identification with MS-GF+: the mzIdentML file can be used forPIA Identification with X!Tandem: using idXML for PIA run protein inferenceand filter PSMsPort to URIcompile spectrumidentifications forPIA analysismzML Inputprotein databasePort to URIput both IDsin one listidentify MS spectraNode 592connect peptidesto protein accessionsPIA Analysis Port to URI PIA Compiler Input File Input File Port to URI Concatenate XTandemAdapter MSGFPlusAdapter PeptideIndexer


